Anita Nair's third book and a global hit, Ladies Coupé is the story of Akhilandeshwari, a mercy-appointed Income Tax clerk travelling to Kanyakumari in an overnight journey train. The 45-year-old Akhila has been the unmarried sole bread earner of her family post her father's death. She meets five other women sharing the coupé on the journey, each with a vivid story reflecting the struggles and chaos in their respective lives. Anita Nair's lead character has been on an emotional roller coaster throughout her life with the singular question mark hanging on her mind , 'Is a woman incomplete without the presence of a marriage, a husband, a family she creates? Is life monotonously sad for a single woman?' Akhila's character goes through the casual patriarchy absorbed deeply in the South Indian society and her family's immense selfish attitude towards her. She is expected to be the 'perfect Brahmin head' in her house; take permission from her younger b...